about me

Hey ya'll I'm Leslie,

I'm a southern girl who loves to cook. From Thanksgiving to Mardi Gras I love making fun food for every occasion I can. 
I was born and raised in South Florida, and am currently located in New Hampshire... I know, I'm still asking myself how that happened... 

I consider myself a dump cook. Meaning I read a recipe/or watch someone make something, and then do my own thing with it. I love making things up and not following the rules, because it's my kitchen and I can. 

I'm also a wife, mom, sister, and daughter to an awesome family of enthusiastic food consumers. 

I'll be posting recipes that I've found and tweaked, and some family favorites as I make them. It's just me and my iPhone so don't expect a glamours food blog because #life. But I can promise the food will be delicious! 

From my kitchen to yours I hope you find something fun, new and exciting to taste! 


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